Creaza is multi-faceted web tool that combines four different components: Cartoonist, MovieEditor, Mindomo and AudioEditor. In all of these tools, the user interface is similar to Microsoft Office with a ribbon, command groups and tabs.
- Cartoonist allows you to create a comic-strip type project that plays in slideshow fashion. Several themes, backgrounds and characters are provided. Numerous tools such as speech bubbles, object arranging and opacity settings help you fine tune each slide.
- MovieEditor is multi-layer movie editing tool. Upload your images, video and audio to your media files' location. Then drag them to the timeline and edit. The editing process is similar to other video editing programs.
- Featured last month in the article Top 5 web 2.0 brainstorming tools, Mindomo is very powerful concept mapping tool.
- AudioEditor is a nice online audio editing tool with numerous sound samples. You could easily create an old fashion radio drama using this site and the included sound effects. Eight tracks are included for layering of sounds and the final project can be exported as a single audio file.