Monday, November 15, 2010

Elluminate Live!

Elluminate Live!

If you are looking for an innovative way to connect with your students in an online or hybrid classroom,  consider using Elluminate.  Elluminate is different from Tegrity in that it is interactive.  With Elluminate, you can add synchronous communication to your course -- whether for virtual office hours, tutoring support, project collaborations, or pre-exam review sessions. 

 To learn more about how to get started using Elluminate, you can watch this short (5 minutes) video. Just click on the "Watch Video" link below the image to begin.

Watch Video

Practice using Elluminate
Elluminate is a live web conferencing tool available to all faculty and staff members within the community and technical college system.  Come practice with colleagues in a casual setting.  These sessions, led by Ann Garnsey-Harter and Larry Cheng of Shoreline Community College and Scott Dennis of the State Board, are open to all interested parties.

Connect from your computer, by clicking on the following link:
(you do not need a password to participate)

Learn More
Want to learn more about how Elluminate Live! is transforming the teaching and learning experience?
Try some of these resources:

• Read Elluminate Live! customer success stories

Join the Elluminate Community of Users

Attend Elluminate’s free webinars